Top 20 Most Beautiful Trees in the world

The tall, straight trunks of eastern hemlock blend into the mists of an early morning in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.Picture: Steve Satushek / Getty Images

The exquisite violet blossoms of the blue jacaranda smother its branches and make an eye-catching spectacle just before the leaves unfold.Picture: Francois Theron / Getty Images

The tree’s bizarre appearance is brought about because the large globular fruits are borne in clusters directly on the trunk of the tree.Picture: Douglas Peebles Photography / Alamy

The exotic magnificence of the red blossoms decorating this tree growing on the lower slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania would be hard to miss.Picture: Ulrich Doering / Alamy

In early winter an English oak, its colours fast changing from green to russet, stands in solitary splendour among arable fields at Lamyatt in the west of England.Picture: Stephen Spraggon / Alamy

One of the few species of conifer that shed their needles in winter, bare European larches clothe a hillside in England’s Lake District National Park.Picture: Tom Mackie / Alamy

The imposing trunks of grand fir soar skywards in a forest in British Columbia, Canada.Picture: Image Source / Corbis

A blaze of white ‘candles’ lights up horse chestnuts during spring.Picture: Wildlife GmbH / Alamy

This parade of ‘upside-down trees’ lines the famous Avenue des Baobabs, in Menabe, Madagascar.Picture: imagebroker / Alamy

Evidence of the bygone industry of coppicing hazel to make poles for hurdles and fences is not hard to find in many old woodlands. Picture: Dr Jeremy Burgess / Science Photo Library

With a fresh layer of snow, these famous monkey puzzle trees in the Malalcahuello National Reserve in Chile give the area a mythical air. Picture: Tui De Roy / Minden Pictures / Getty Images

Ancient gnarled olive trees emerge from the early morning mist in a grove on the Greek island of Thassos.Picture: Antonio Macias Marin / Getty Images

A red mangrove on the Queensland coast of Australia develops large numbers of thin, aerial prop roots that help support its main trunk in unstable shifting sands.Picture: Luisa Amare / Shutterstock

A Scots pine stands sentinel-like at the edge of Loch an Eilein deep in the Scottish Highlands.Picture: blickwinkel / Alamy

Framed here by a New Zealand mountain backdrop, the southern cabbage tree is a lowland species believed to have once formed dense jungles along river banks.Picture: S .b.m. Hotting / Getty Images

Like its African counterpart, the West Indian mahogany has been over-exploited for timber. Here, however, young trees are grown as a sustainable crop in a Hawaiian plantation.Picture: Douglas Peebles / Corbis

The trunks of densely packed white poplars create a pretty spectacle in spring sunlight.Picture: Mike Grandmaison / All Canada Photos / Corbis

The incredible bald cypress, supported by aerial prop roots, grows seemingly from the bottom of this lake in the Everglades, Florida.Picture: James Randklev / Getty Images

The prop roots of a massive and aged banyan provide their own own dramatic and unique imagery beside a forest track in the Ranthambore National Park in northern India.Picture: Aditya “Dicky” Singh / Alamy

This majestic ponderosa pine has been growing towards the meagre sunlight for years in Utah’s Bryce Canyon National Park in the United States.Picture: Peter Blottman / Alamy

1 comment:

Red Sandalwood Plantation in between Melia Dubia in My Farm. The below Pic is Real Sandalwood plant ,planted in between my Melia dubia tre...