About Melia Dubia Tree

  • Melia dubia originates from the Meliaceae family and is an indigenous species of tree to India, South East Asia and Australia, where it has been cultivated as a source of firewood.

  • Melia dubia is also called as a Maha neem or Forest neem. Which is fastest growing tree species, with in 6-7 years the plantation is ready to harvest.
  • The wood is having good demand from ply wood industries.
  • Melia Dubia is the fastest growing tree and the wood from this tree is used in Plywood Industry.
  • It is commonly found in the hills at elevations ranging from 600 – 1800m.
  • It is occasionally planted for ornament and makes a handsome avenue tree and a shade tree in plantations.
  • It grows rapidly and is used for afforestation purposes.

  • It can be raised either by direct sowing or planting in nursery for raising seedlings or stumps.
  • It is known to yield useful timber.
  • Melia Dubia grows on a variety of soils; however, it grows well in deep, fertile and sandy loam soils.
  • In the indigenous system of medicine, the leaves of Melia azedarach Linn. (Family - Meliaceae) are reported to be useful in the treatment of urinary stones.
  • Melia dubia has the unique feature of growing to 40 feet within two years from planting and can be mechanically pruned and harvested.

  • The various parts of Melia dubia (Meliaceae) plant was observed to be used by the local tribes of Nilgiris for various infections.
  • Literature reveals that fruits of Melia dubia is considered to be important in colic and skin diseases and also as anthelmintic.
  • Leaves and seeds of this plant were reported to possess two tetranotriterpenoids, compositin and compositolide.

1 comment:

Red Sandalwood Plantation in between Melia Dubia in My Farm. The below Pic is Real Sandalwood plant ,planted in between my Melia dubia tre...